Jashn-e-Baharan, often referred to as the "Spring Festival," is a lively and cherished celebration in Pakistan, especially in Lahore. This festival signifies the arrival of spring and is usually held in February or March. It features a wide array of cultural, recreational, and entertainment activities that unite people to relish the delightful weather and the blooming flowers.
Traditionally, one of the most famous aspects of Jashn-e-Baharan was kite-flying, known locally as Basant. However, due to safety issues, this activity has faced some restrictions in recent years. Nevertheless, Jashn-e-Baharan encompasses much more than just kite flying; it is a vibrant festival showcasing traditional cuisine, clothing, arts, music, flower exhibitions, and much more. This celebration not only honors the season but also reflects cultural pride and community spirit, bringing together individuals from various backgrounds to appreciate the beauty of nature.