Discover a magical realm filled with hidden gardens of Hamilton Gardens. Journey through time and across distant lands. Stroll through a vibrant tropical rainforest, explore the wonders of ancient China, and immerse yourself in the exquisite gardens of a 16th-century Renaissance Prince. Five distinct garden collections have been designed to enchant your senses, with some concepts dating back 4,000 years. Hamilton Gardens, located in the Waikato, is a conceptual garden that delves into the history, context, and significance of gardens throughout the ages and around the globe. It has gained international acclaim for its innovative approach and is the most visited tourist attraction in the Waikato region. Just a five-minute drive from Hamilton"s city center, the Gardens are open every day during daylight hours, with free entry and parking available. You can easily access it from SH1, along Cobham Drive on the southern side of Hamilton.