Rose Festival (La Fête des Roses) in Grasse, renowned as the perfume capital of the world, is an essential experience for flower lovers. Taking place in May, this festival honors the blooming of the Centifolia rose, famously known as the “rose with a hundred petals.” Attendees can enjoy guided tours of beautiful rose gardens, participate in perfume-making workshops, and explore floral art exhibitions.
Grasse boasts a rich history in the art of perfumery, and the Rose Festival showcases the town"s mastery in this craft. Guests have the chance to discover how rose essence is extracted and how perfumes are crafted, a tradition that has been around since the 16th century.
For those learning a new language, the Rose Festival offers a fantastic chance to immerse yourself in the specialized vocabulary of perfumery. Terms like “essence,” “distillation,” and “floral” are frequently discussed during the event. By interacting with experts and joining workshops, you can gain insights into the delicate art of perfume-making while enhancing your language abilities.